5 things you should try with Google Assistant

    Google assistant has grown over the past few years to outperform other top assistants like Siri and Alexa. You can do pretty much any task hands-free with Google Assistant.

    We've seen it doing tasks like controlling lights and making you feel less bored while you're bored. But, today is something different. We'll take advantage of Google Assistant to make yourself lazy and productive (So contrasting, isn't it?).

    Here's how to take advantage of Google Assistant to make your life easier.

    Set reminders and Alarms

    If you're someone who takes the hassle of navigating to the Clock app and then keeping reminders for each and everything, then this is it. Set reminders and Alarms with the ease of your command. Just say "OK Google, remind me to watch YouTube today at 9:00 PM".

    You can make it remind important tasks, like the one above, or set a reminder for something unimportant like "OK Google, remind me to wake up at 7:00 AM for my interview". That's up to your wish.

    I've always set my reminders for these important tasks and Google Assistant makes sure I do them correctly. Very helpful.

    Change settings

    Tired of opening the app and enabling some settings every single time? Here's the lazy solution for you. Just say "OK Google, turn on WiFi". Or you could say "OK Google, turn on Bluetooth". If you're battery's low then, "OK Google, turn on Battery saver mode". 

    Even though this isn't completely handsfree, it's obviously better than heading over to Quick settings and enabling stuff. 

    I personally use this feature and it is handy at times, like when you're eating and you'd want to use your phone one-handed. Sure thing there's the this-handed mode, but that isn't so great.

    Message someone through voice

    Now, what if I told you that you can text someone through your voice? Cool, right? You can do that using Google's own voice assistant, The Google Assistant. Just ask "Ok Google, Send a message to Arun through WhatsApp".

    If there's an application with that name present it will move on to the next step, asking what to send. In this case, "Hey dude, don't forget to rickroll us on your next video."

    You can do important and unimportant tasks like this one. The choice is yours. Luckily google assistant supports most of the messaging apps installed. So, there's more compatibility than you probably need. 

    You can also check for messages with a command: "Ok Google, Check my messages." Google will read out the messages for you and will also tell you from which app the message has been received and who has sent it.

    Pass some time with it

    Now, obviously, we know we can do it with Google Assistant. But, you can ask it a lot MORE: Pickup lines, Rap songs, Lullabies, Jokes (Mostly lame), and some recommended songs. 

    But what's best is that you can play games with it. It has some popular titles like Akinator and etc. (Not quite what you'd expect) most of which are by 3rd party developers. However, the doodle games by Google are quite fun.

    Be a little extra careful on everything

    You can ask the Google Assistant to check the restaurant's authenticity or ask the assistant for the best vacation spots. The good thing is that it gives you all the required information. The bad thing is that it is more or less hit or miss. Sometimes right, most of the times wrong!

    So the next time you walk into a restaurant or a hotel, ask the assistant for ratings and authenticity to make sure you trust the right place.

    This is a short yet fun listicle on Google Assistant. Check out our other articles too! That's everything for today and I will catch you up in the next one.
