Search Console: Server 5xx error while requesting indexing

    When I tried to index my blogger posts on Google Search Console, I was getting a Server 5xx error. I tried searching the internet but to no avail. If you're experiencing the same issue, then you aren't alone, there are more than thousands of bloggers who experience the same issue. 

    Search console

    The issue started last week for me and many others, but slowly others started getting this issue. The bug doesn't let you index pages on google letting down many bloggers who rely on organic traffic from Google. Other search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo don't have a huge user base like Google.

    I found this out in a thread in the Blogger help center. They do seem to have the same issue and that's how I started writing this article. However, we haven't confirmed yet from Google.

    How do you fix this?

    This is not in our hands. Due to server maintenance or due to any server errors on the Google side have resulted in this. Now, we all wait for Google to fix this issue and resume the workflow of many bloggers. Stay tuned for more updates.

    [05.06.2021] Huge Update: The issue has been fixed.

    I recently checked it today and it's finally fixed. It seems that Google has finally fixed and we're all in for a party. 

    Looks like Google has fixed major bugs and glitches in the search console. A few days ago, this issue was recognized in the Coverage section and thankfully in a couple of days, the issue has been fixed.

    It has been fixed for some people now, but if you're someone who has this issue still, you should probably wait for a day and hopefully, the issue will be fixed. If it's not, then there might be some other issue in your code or any other parts of your blog. Cross-check it with other internet references.
